Julio López Saguar
At the Beach
Julio López Saguar
Born in Madrid in 1954
I’m an advertising Film Director in my professional side.
I work also for the agency of photography Getty Images.
My beginnings in photography dates back to 1973, when I was 19 and eager to learn, but had no means, no camera, or knew anyone that photographed. So the only solution was a correspondence course. In 1975 I bought my first SLR camera, a Yashica TL electro X, which helped me a lot in those early years. Even today this camera is preserved. This, along with a small room that became a makeshift laboratory and a cargo of illusions were my first tools in this world.
Subsequently I was moving in a self-taught knowledge and working in medium format, for which I purchased a Yashica Mat 124 and started interacting with many members of the Royal Photographic Society of Madrid, which has enriched my technique and allowed me to begin to observe differently.
In 1990 I finally got my dream camera, a Hasselblad, the best camera I’ve had, in quality and concept. Over the years I used almost exclusively white and black as medium. In the early 1990-2000 I started shooting exclusively in color. In the year 2003 I crossed the border adapting to a digital format in a very natural way.
Along the way I won more than 400 national and international awards. I posted my pictures in books, catalogs, magazines and websites. I have had numerous exhibitions.
I live in Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain